March 2018

Hello Loyal Readers,

Another thrilling month in the world of Pharmacology! In this month's adventures, the feature event was the NBME Shelf Exam at the start of the month... A cumulative exam with information that most of us had not touched since AUGUST (Hello, ANS/CV Block) was a truly daunting task to face. However, chipping away at the material day by day, things really did seem to come back and make sense way quicker than normal. I think this is a testament to how my study skills have changed in grad school. Much of undergrad is remembered as cramming and late nights, however, the masters program is a much more active and consistent form of study, which I believe is really what helped to aid in the long-term potentiation of the material (shoutout Endo-Pharm for that reference). With the end of the shelf we saw the semester really slow down alot. With only one class left with exams, the program shifts way more towards seminars and student presentations. While it can seem somewhat boring and tedious at the time, its really pretty cool to see the breadth of topics that we get to learn about in these seminars. I think in hindsight I will regret not soaking all of them in as much as I should have.

As for volunteering, this was a BUSY month. I entered the month with a meager 10 hours, but I end the month with 34 hours! With a mixture of volunteer events, including WATS for the Youth Leadership program, a heart initiative for NOLA, and even the New Orleans Pelicans, this was a month to remember. I got some great exposure to organizations and events around the city, and without the necessity to get these hours, I would be without these awesome experiences! For those reading, try and seek out some awesome events around the city and don't just settle for the easily accessed opportunities like Habitat!

Can't wait for the final month of the program and the impending graduation thereafter!

March Volunteer Hours: 24
2018 Total Volunteer Hours: 34


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