August 2017

Well, what a way to kick off the new school year and make my comeback into academics after a two year hiatus! While this was only just the beginning of a long journey that hopefully ends with an MD at the end of my name, it was certainly packed with new information, experiences, and friendships. From Rock n Bowl to 4700 Hutchinson to icy cold exam halls, August of 2017 in the Tulane Pharmacology Masters did not disappoint.

I went into this masters program not entirely knowing what to expect. Sure I had heard mumbles and rumors from past students and current med students who had completed the program, but of course things change over time and I was nervous and excited to see what would be true and what would change; after-all, it is pretty engrained in all of our minds by now that the only thing constant at Tulane is change itself. One thing that I discovered for certain, that I'm sure has been a consistent at Tulane since it's inception, is that we are surrounded by some of the most incredible scientific minds in the world.

While the academic rigor was generally consistent with what I expected, I truly had no idea what my classmates or social life would be like. As a native New Orleanian, I was put in an unfamiliar situation over the past month than what I had been used to; for 4 years in Madison, Wisconsin I was the outsider looking in, but now being back in school in my hometown, the roles have been reversed. Similar to how I looked to the indigenous Wisconsinites for cultural guidance in undergrad, I have had others look to me for guidance as they take on a new city, the best city, my home city, New Orleans. I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to help people get acquainted with the do's and don'ts of NOLA and I am looking forward to continuing to teach people about the city that I am so fortunate to call home.

Since I was busy trying to get my bearings back into the world of academia, I did not get the chance to do any volunteering this month, but I have plenty of that on the horizon. Instead, I have engulfed myself in the world of receptors, drugs, and organ systems and have begun to learn how the body works in such delicate harmony to maintain the beautiful symphony of life. I am looking forward to continuing learning about the incredible nature of pharmacology and how it continues to develop and save lives around the world. Studying this year so far has really given me an appreciation that I did not understand in undergrad for how amazing the human body is. I am thrilled to be at Tulane and humbled to be part of a program surrounded by so many awesome people.

Thanks for reading and see ya next month!



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