October 2017

Another month, another exam, another hurricane (well, kinda of...). This month has been an awfully busy one in the pharmacology program, with our Pulm/Inflammation block exam being towards the start of the month and our Neoplasia/GI block exam coming up just after the turn of the month. Both of these topics have been full of new material and different drugs than the two blocks prior (CV and Renal) due to the lack of interconnectedness that was seen in the aforementioned blocks. While it has been challenging to "shift gears" a little bit with the material, it has also been extremely interesting to learn about some of the types of drugs that we see on a more everyday basis (asthma, headaches, pain, etc.). There is this strange sense of fulfillment in learning about these more "everyday" drugs and actually being able to make the connections to real life applications, something that was a little more difficult to do in the CV and Renal blocks. Anyways, I have enjoyed the new season and new material that has come with it thus far, but I will cease with boring you any longer with the details.

As for slightly more fun stuff over the past month, I would be doing anyone no favors in not mentioning the highlight of the month, the Sweet Potato Festival. When I say that this volunteering opportunity was the highlight of the month, perhaps I sounds nuts, but I really do mean it. Getting up on a crisp Saturday morning had me in a bit of a bad state of mind, especially with an exam on the horizon that I was slightly behind on my studies for, but that state quickly changed; the energy and positivity presented by the folks of Edible School yard as we arrived for the festival was palpable. We began by setting up some frilly decorations and rearrangement of tables. However, shortly after we finished that, it was go time. Rocky, Pierce, and myself were tasked as being the "soup stirrers" while the Sweet Potato Parade rolled on, which at first seemed like a menial task, but was quickly realized as an important, and sensory important role. After soup station was done, we moved onto our primary role for the day, manning the foot operated, bicycle blender. The friction of the wheel rotated the blades of the blender while the rider pedaled away to make their very own smoothie containing sweet potato, banana, raisin, milk, and of course, cinnamon. The kids were delighted with their results, as well as the adults. We were also granted the opportunity to roam around and try all the amazing flavors of the festival, ranging from sweet potato cookies to a spicy sweet potato hash. To say that everything tasted incredible would be a gross understatement.

Anyways, I think I've rambled on enough about my exciting life in the month of October, but I am looking forward to what's ahead, a couple more block exams and (FINALLY) a much needed Thanksgiving break. So, until next time, boys and girls!

Thanks for tuning into this months edition,
Steve F.

October Service Hours: 8
Total Service Hours 2017: 28


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