January 2018

Welp, after a much needed winter break, we're back at it again with the Neuro Pharmacology... only this time, everything has changed. Just kidding, tried to be dramatic but I can't take myself seriously. In all seriousness, the start of this semester has been an insanely busy one. We have an entire new crop of classes (for the most part), plus the NBME is quickly approaching! In addition to having to contend with school and the unexpected snow (yep, you read that right-- snow in NOLA), I also went and got myself married earlier this month! Meaghan and I got hitched on January 13, 2018 at Race and Religious in what proved to be a satisfyingly cold and awesome night. If I could give any wedding advice to anyone reading this, it would be: GET MARRIED WHEN YOU'RE NOT IN SCHOOL! Anyways, the thing went off with a boom and a sense of reality has only just begun to set back in. As for academia specifics, I urge you not to get married with school in session since you'll find ...