November 2017
Another month... wait... FINALLY A BREAK!!! After a grueling span of break-less schooling since July 12th, we finally were rewarded with several days off for Thanksgiving break. For those who are interested in the program, let me tell ya, you’re going to need this break. Not necessarily because you’re sick of school and just don’t want to do it anymore, but because you’re going to be mentally exhausted— and that’s a good thing if you ask me. I personally took advantage of our days off to drive up to Chicago (that’s correct, DRIVE for ~14 hours each way) to spend the holiday with a couple friends from college, as well as my brother and my newborn nephew. The food was great, the company was better, but the weather left something to be desired... actually, no it didn’t; after 4 years in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin, I forgot how much I didn’t miss the frigid North’s winters. Anyways, a relaxing break was just what the doctor ordered and now it’s time to finish the semester strong. ...